Photo by Megan Markham from Pexels

In the age of the coronavirus, there are ways of maneuvering ourselves when in the company of others. But, how do we behave while walking our dogs? Is it still safe to let our dog sniff another dog? Can I get the virus through petting another dog?
Here are some rules of the road:

  1. Use a leash that is at least 6 feet long, that gives you control, not a flex lead that can get wrapped around another dog or person.
  2. “When crossing paths with another dog walker, step off the walkway or path  and turn around to avoid engaging and to share airspace,” according to Fetch-Find, a course for professional dog walkers – cited in the Tuesday, Sept 8, 2020 Washington Post article.
  3. Although it is tempting to pet another dog while out on a walk, it’s safest not to do so. In the same article in the Washington Post, “It is possible that someone’s hand could pick up or spread the virus via petting.” According to Douglas Kratt, a president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, “Human to dog transmission is possible but there is an extremely low likelihood of that happening.”

Leashes are available at PetSmart

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